Hikes for loners

and independent types



Allemand Die 100 schönsten Hüttenziele der Schweizer Alpen
Author(s): Peter Donatsch
Publisher, year: AT Verlag, 2000

Available in German at Amazon.fr and Amazon.de.


Allemand Die 100 schönsten Gipfelziele der Schweizer Alpen West
Author(s): Peter Donatsch, David Coulin
Publisher, year: AT Verlag, 2001

Available in German at Amazon.fr and Amazon.de.


Allemand 88 Suonenwanderungen
Author(s): Peter Jossen
Publisher, year: Rotten Verlag, 2002

Available in German at Amazon.de.


Français Randonnées pédestres entre Léman et Mont Blanc
Author(s): Pierre Millon
Publisher, year: Edisud, 1995


Anglais Walking in the Valais
Author(s): Kev Reynolds
Publisher, year: Cicerone, 2003

Available in English at Amazon.com or Amazon.de.

This book was a pleasant surprise. I did not expect such good advice on hikes in Valais coming from a British author writing for a British editor. The proposed routes are numerous (120 to be precise) and always interesting. The size, the layout and the beautiful colour pictures make the book even more attractive. The only thing missing is maps. Some maps are given naming the valleys, the hamlets and the peaks. But they never show the itineraries.


Anglais The Bernese Alps
Author(s): Kev Reynolds
Publisher, year: Cicerone, 2001

Disponible en anglais chez Amazon.com or Amazon.de.

After the pleasant surprise I had with the book Walking in the Valais (#35), I got hold of the one dealing with the Berner Oberland region. Again, the proposed routes are numerous (115 to be precise) and always interesting. The size, the layout and the beautiful colour pictures make the book even more attractive. The only thing missing is maps. Some maps are given naming the valleys, the hamlets and the peaks. But they never show the itineraries.


Allemand Alpinwandern - Zentralschweiz-Glarus-Alpstein
Author(s): Remo Kundert, Marco Volken
Publisher, year: Swiss Alpine Club (SAC), 2000

Available in German at Amazon.de.


Allemand Alpinwandern - Rund um die Berner Alpen
Author(s): Ueli Mosimann
Publisher, year: Swiss Alpine Club (SAC), 2003


Allemand Magisches Berner Oberland
Author(s): Pier Hänni
Publisher, year: AT Verlag, 2002/2003

Available in German at Amazon.de.


Français Anglais Vaudoise Alps
Author(s): -
Publisher, year: Editions MPA, year unknown

The publisher calls this book "topo guide": relatively concise descriptions, but with elevation/time graphs as well as nice map extracts (in the form of panoramic maps). It is therefore quite easy to get an idea of the terrain crossed. The book can probably be found in french language in the bookstores of canton Vaud. As for my own copy, it is in english language and was bought at Stauffacher Bern.

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