Hikes for loners

and independent types



Allemand Davos-Prättigau - die schönsten Tal- und Höhenwanderungen
Author(s): Rudolf und Siegrun Weiss
Publisher, year: Bergverlag Rother, 2002. Check out the new German edition (2009)

Available in German at Amazon.com, Amazon.fr and Amazon.de.


Allemand Glarnerland - Walensee-Obertoggenburg-Flumser Berge
Author(s): Ulrich Tubbesing
Publisher, year: Bergverlag Rother, 2005

Available in German at Amazon.com, Amazon.fr and Amazon.de.

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Français Jura Suisse. Du Lac Léman à Zürich - Les 50 plus belles randonnées pédestres
Allemand Schweizer Jura - zwischen Zürich, Basel und Genfer See
Author(s): Silvia Fantacci, Ueli Hintermeister
Publisher, year: Bergverlag Rother, 2006. Check out the second French edition (2008)

Available in French at Amazon.fr or in German at Amazon.de

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Allemand Wandern im Binntal
Author(s): -
Publisher, year: Binntal Tourismus, 2005

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Français Du Cervin au Léman - Les plus beaux tours du Valais
Author(s): Stéphane Maire
Publisher, year: Glénat, 2007

Available in French at Amazon.fr.

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Français Dans les montagnes de Suisse Romande
Author(s): François Labande
Publisher, year: Olizane, 2007

Available in French at Amazon.fr.


Allemand Rund um den Vierwaldstätter See
Author(s): Ulrich Tubbesing
Publisher, year: Bergverlag Rother, 2007 (5th edition)

Available in German at Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.fr and Amazon.de.

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Français Bisses de légende
Allemand Wandern an sagenhaften Suonen
Author(s): Johannes Gerber
Publisher, year: Rotten Verlag for the German book, Editions Monographic for the French

Available translated in French at Amazon.fr or in its original German version at Amazon.de. Check also the author's website, suone.ch

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Italien Capanne del Ticino e della Mesolcina
Author(s): Massimo Gabuzzi
Publisher, year: Salvioni, 2009 (4th edition)

Available only in Italian. I ordered mine directly through the editor's website.

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Italien Ticino e Mesolcina - Guida escursionistica
Author(s): Chiara Brenna
Publisher, year: Salvioni, 2008 (3rd edition)

Available only in Italian. I ordered mine directly through the editor's website.

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