Hikes for loners

and independent types



Anglais Walks in the Engadine
Author(s): Kev Reynolds
Publisher, year: Cicerone, 1998/2005

Available at Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.com.
Also available at Amazon.fr and Amazon.de.

I never hiked in that region yet (it's quite far from my home). For that reason I will not emit any judgement. It's probably at the same level as the other guides written by the same author.


Allemand Die schönsten Gipfelziele der Schweizer Alpen Ost
Author(s): Peter Donatsch, David Coulin
Publisher, year: AT Verlag, 2002

Available in German at Amazon.fr et Amazon.de.


Allemand Jungfrau-Aletsch-Bietschhorn. 35 Wanderungen im und ums UNESCO-Weltnaturerbe
Author(s): Thomas Bachmann
Publisher, year: Natur Punkt, 2006

Available in German at Amazon.fr et Amazon.de.


Allemand Alpinwandern in den Voralpen - Zwischen Saane und Reuss
Author(s): Ueli Mosimann
Publisher, year: Swiss Alpine Club (SAC), 2006

Available in German at Amazon.de.


Français Randonnées alpines en Suisse - D'une cabane à l'autre
Allemand Alpinwandern Schweiz - von Hütte zu Hütte
Author(s): Philippe Metzker
Publisher, year: Swiss Alpine Club (SAC), 2004

Available in French at Amazon.fr or in German at Amazon.de.


Français Randonnées alpines - Objectif cabane. Guide culturel de 50 cabanes du CAS
Allemand Alpinwandern - Wanderziel Hütte
Author(s): Dres Balmer
Publisher, year: Swiss Alpine Club (SAC), 2007

Available in French at Amazon.fr or in German at Amazon.de.


Français Chablais, Alpes Vaudoises, Pays-d'Enhaut. 15 itinéraires culturels
Author(s): -
Publisher, year: lep, 2004


Français Autour du Léman - Les plus belles randonnées
Author(s): Pierre Millon
Publisher, year: Glénat, 2006

Available in French at Amazon.fr.


Français Chablais - Les plus belles randonnées
Author(s): Pierre Millon
Publisher, year: Glénat, 2007

Available in French at Amazon.fr.


Allemand Val Calanca
Author(s): Silvia Fantacci, Ueli Hintermeister
Publisher, year: Natur Punkt, 2002

Available in German at Amazon.fr, Amazon.co.uk and Amazon.de.

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