Hikes for loners

and independent types


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Allemand Wandern am Simplon
Author(s): Klaus Anderegg
Publisher, year: Rotten Verlag, 2008

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Français Les Plus Belles Randonnées Vers les Cols des Alpes Suisses
Allemand Die schönsten Passwanderungen in den Schweizer Alpen
Author(s): Heinz Staffelbach
Publisher, year: AT Verlag, 2008. A French edition was published in 2010 by Rossolis

Available in French at Amazon.fr or in German at Amazon.de or Amazon.co.uk.


Allemand Bergwandern im Tessin
Author(s): Remo Kundert und Marco Volken
Publisher, year: AT Verlag, 2010

Available in German at Amazon.fr, Amazon.co.uk and Amazon.de.


Allemand Genusswandern Tessin
Author(s): Eugen E. Hüsler
Publisher, year: Bruckmann, 2010

Available in German at Amazon.fr, Amazon.co.uk and Amazon.de.


Allemand Genusswandern Berner Oberland
Author(s): Eugen E. Hüsler
Publisher, year: Bruckmann, 2010

Available in German at Amazon.fr, Amazon.co.uk and Amazon.de.


Français Les Hauts de Fully - Treize randonnées dans la région Chavalard/Dent-de-Morcles
Author(s): Sabine et Charly Rey Carron
Publisher, year: Iterama, 2010

A guide with 13 hikes all around Lac de Fully, so very localized. The authors dwelve deep into the flora, fauna, geology and local traditions. For those who would like to hike and at the same time get a better understanding of the surroundings.


Français Sentiers Valaisans
Author(s): François Perraudin
Publisher, year: Slatkine, 2008

What a marvelous book! On top of being a illustrated book to keep on ones bookshelf, it doubles as a hiking guide, enriched by cultural, historical, litterary or geological background informations. Through 6 itineraries, one learns a lot about "bisses", the local novelist Maurice Zermatten, the "Swiss Reduit", ... Warmly recommended.

Available in French at Amazon.fr, Amazon.co.uk and Amazon.de.


Français La Haute Route à Mi-Coteau
Author(s): François Perraudin
Publisher, year: Slatkine, 2009

I was as pleased by this book as I was by Sentiers Valaisans. No wonder since both were written by the mountain guide François Perraudin. Through a variant of the Haute Route tailored for hikers and not for mountaineers, we get to know better the past and present life of the valleys.

Available in French at Amazon.fr, Amazon.co.uk and Amazon.de.

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Français Valais: randonnées... et plus si affinités
Allemand Das grosse Wanderbuch Wallis
Author(s): Stéphane Maire
Publisher, year: AT Verlag, 2011. The French edition was published by Glénat

Exciting tour ideas in the beautiful canton of Valais. Only criticism: why include 2 via ferrata itineraries - on top of that difficult ones - in a book about hiking ?

Available in French at Amazon.fr or in German at Amazon.de or Amazon.co.uk.


Allemand Traumwandergipfel in der Schweiz: 50 Bergziele unter 3000 m
Author(s): Peter Deuble
Publisher, year: Bruckmann, 2011

Available in German at Amazon.fr, Amazon.co.uk and Amazon.de.

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